A plumbing contractor for the residential construction or new home construction industry should be fully versed in all areas of residential construction.

Before you hire anyone make sure they have the ability to plumb your home properly. When looking for a plumbing contractor in Edmonton or Sherwood Park look for a plumbing company that has years of experience.

And choose a company that is above average in price. Not saying this to make you pay more money, but a low price plumber or cheap plumbing company in Edmonton has to cut corners. This is the only way for them to make money. They might cut corners by hiring inferior workers, inferior products, or by saying some parts of the job were not included in the price. Also a cheap plumbing company will always be unreliable. They will underbid your job to get the project but the second a better priced job comes along they will put you on the back burner.

Another problem with low ball quotes is these people are generally not plumbing companies but instead they are out of work plumbers waiting for a job. This means they do not have insurance, business license, bond, and they are often desperate. This is not the kind of worker you want working on your new home.

Do not fall victim to the low ball quote or you could become a candidate for one of the many shows on TV that helps people that have been ripped off by a contractor that does shoddy work.

A residential construction plumbing contractor will be very proficient in reading blueprints and will know the plumbing code inside and out. This means they will be able to correct things on the blueprint if something is not quite right.

Stages of Plumbing in a Edmonton New Home

Depending on where your house is being built and whether you are tearing down an existing house or building in a subdivision will determine the first step.

Either the plumber of someone else will bring the water, sanitary and storm sewers into the house.

Then the house is framed.

Once framing is complete the plumber will get to work. He/she will then do the roughin plumbing of the house. This consists of installing all the drains and waterlines for the toilets, sinks, and tub/showers as well as setting the tubs and showers. Also all the ground work will be done at this point including the sump pump.

Plumbing is then inspected by the city of Edmonton or the county of Strathcona depending where the house is.
Then the plumber leaves until the house is near completion. At this point we come back and install all of the plumbing fixtures and the water heater, dishwasher, and fridge water line.

If we have the gas fitting contractor this is done at the same points as the plumbing work is done.

After we are done you are pretty close to moving in.

Edmonton Basement Bathroom Development

This portion of the article could have also been under the plumbing renovations article. Construction and

Edmonton basement plumbing, plumbing ground work, Edmonton plumbing
Basement plumbing ground work in Edmonton. You can see the green sticker on the plumbing stack, inspector was very happy with this.

renovations are a very fine line apart from each other as far as the plumber is concerned.

Basement bathrooms can be fairly easy or very difficult and time consuming.

The difference depends on whether or not the ground work for the bathroom was included in the original stage of building the house. If so then no concrete needs to be removed and the venting is already done.

Even if your ground work is done if you need to move a fixture to a different location this will take some work.
Doing the ground work in an older home can add many more hours to the job.

Don’t less this scare you off from developing the basement bathroom you have always wanted. The added cost does not normally change the over price of a basement development by very much.

Basement Bathroom Showers

Every client has different wants and needs. Some want a basic shower for guests while others want a high end steam shower for therapeutic reasons.

Since you have a lot of room you can build whatever you want during the design phase of your basement.

Showers can have one head, a head with a sliding bar, hose with another head, a rain shower, body sprays, steam, or a combination of these features.

The most extensive shower I have ever plumbed in had a shower head and four body sprays on the facing wall and four more body sprays on the back wall above the seat.

Each set of body sprays and the maind shower head had a separate shut off control allowing the home owners to run one, two or all three sets at the same time.

This was a 5 foot by 3 foot (inside measurements) shower with tiles walls, tiled floor or shower pan and a glass door.
The home owner liked to work hard at the gym and come home to a theraputic shower.

This works perfect for men and women that work hard on their jobs and want to really relax after work. The only thing that would have been better would have been a steam shower along with this set up.

Everybody has different desires for their basement bathroom. These bathrooms last for many years so do yourself a favor and make a decision that you can be happy with for years down the road.

When deciding on costs think of 3 things.
1. Think of the added value to your home
2. Think of how much faster your home will sell
3. Think of how much use you and your family will get out of the bathroom.


Whether you are building a home or developing a basement you will want to hire someone that has the experience and is a fair price for both you and the contractor.

Call us today at 780-264-0878

